Booking Policy

Booking an Appointment

Once you have taken this first step by filling in our contact form or had contacted us directly via phone or email, you will be contacted by us within 48 hours, excluding weekends, to answer any other questions you may have, discuss your availability and the waiting list.

*The more day and times you can be available the sooner you may get an appointment. We cannot guarantee after school appointments for students.*


The fee per individual adolescent psychotherapy and parent support consultations are €60 and the duration of the sessions is 50-60 minutes.

Appointments Type

Appointments can be Face to Face or Online via Zoom

Waiting List Information

Please list all your availability as the length of your wait time will also depend on your availability. **Due to the high demand for evening appointments, they have the longest wait time and we cannot guarantee regular after school appointments**. Our last appointment time is 5 pm

Appointment Time Preference*

PLEASE NOTE** We cannot guarantee we can accommodate your preference for an appointment time. Appointment days and times can vary from week to week. Evening appointments have the longest wait time. 5 pm is the last appointment time. After school appointments are limited.